Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The article I decided to research is called "Donald Trump writing own "short" Inaugural speech". Trumps idea for his inaugural speech was to make a short but impactful speech to get the message across to million of viewers. President Trump decided that it would be more important to him and mean more to the citizens of the USA to make and write it himself, he also wanted it to be short due to not wanting people standing out in the cold. With in his speech he talked about many of his upcoming plans such as education, infrastructure, border control, state of military, and jobs for US citizens. He also talked about bringing America back together as one and working together to be the best we can be. On this topic I feel Trump made a good decision on making the speech short and to the point I also agree with him writing it himself. When you write or do something yourself it makes you more familiar with it or more into it. This subject ties into what we are doing in class because we just recently have been working on presidency and continue to work on politics. This article was seen from a republicans point of view as is mine.

McCallum Hutchnis

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

The blog post I decided to research and write about was called "US talks tougher on Iran but sticks with deal...for now". This article was researched on The article starts out by saying that Trump and Obama may finally see eye to eye on something regarding their decisions and views on Iran. Within the article there are three different sections, words of warning, a limited deal, and stricter implementation. Words of warning was about USA, North Korea, and Iran it explains that each country has been sending their opinions and harsh thoughts to one another to show they mean business and what they plan to do. It also states the US is eager to finalize the deal with Iran and to see what comes from it and as it may seem that Iran is the only thing on our countries radar North Korea continues to be a big factor too. In the Limited deal section it stated that it was difficult to work on the deal and was shockingly worked out with both countries and that if Iran new how we actually felt it would of gone different. In the Stricter implementation section it says that the USA is very concerned to has most of their attention on Iran, Trump also states that they are a problem that needs to be taken car of. On this topic I feel like the US was right in bombing Iran, They have done many bad things to our country and need to know we are stronger and will retaliate. This article ties into our class because we always talk about politics and Trumps decisions and it is also a current event.

McCallum Hutchins

Thursday, March 30, 2017

The article I chose to read and depict was Neil Gorsuch faces the Senate. The reason I chose to do this article is because in class we are currently going over the House of reps. and the senate, as well as the supreme court justice Neil Gorsuch. In the article written by The Editorial Board of the New York Times you cans surely tell that it was written from a democrats point of view and opinion. The article then talks about how Neil is not a good choice or candidate for this position, it also stated that the position should of been filled a year ago by former president Barack Obama's nominee Merrick Garland. After three days of questioning Neil the Democrats began to flake out due them not being able to stump him. It was obviously shown that the questioners were failing to l and any further or serious blows or Gorsuch and began to influence him on his future role in office and not trying to stall or deny his confirmation. In the past justice nominees have shown good potential in being a good justice during being questioned and depicted, the real test will see what happens in action. On this topic and I article I disagree with the fact that he is going to be a bad fit for the new justice. I feel like what he has shown in his speeches and how he has handled being questioned he will make a good fit and be fine. I do think he should become more open minded and not such a strait ticket, being a supreme court justice is very important and many times dealt with people lives.

McCallum Hutchins

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The article I chose to read and discuss was from CBS News, it was titled "Ruth Bader Ginsburg acknowledges Trump will fill Supreme court vacancy". This article discussed many topics on the new appointment to the court, Obamas past appointees, and Ruth's views on Trump and the vacancy. early in the article the 83 year old justice said "Trump will fill it", this proves that she has faith and excepts who Trump will fill in the vacancy with. Earlier in the summer news reports and articles have quotes of Ruth saying, "She did not want to think about Trump being elected and being our countries new president", she later took that back and said "she has mass amounts of respect for our Countries leader". Also stated in the article, while President Obama was still in office he nominated liberal judge Merrick Garland for Scalia's seat was quickly shot down by conservative senators. Ruth also stated that having all seats full in the supreme courts with justices is better due to them not having ties. This article ties into what we are learning in class because we are discussing the supreme court and the justices that are currently in it and Trumps nominee. On this topic I respect and like what Ruth says about Trump and that he will get the job done, I also agree that having more conservative justices is better.

McCallum Hutchins
Image result for ruth ginsburg

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The article I chose to read and evaluate was Brown vs. The Board of Education. This was a court case in 1954 in the hands of the supreme court. Within the hands of the supreme court, they made a landmark and unbelievable unanimous decision to overturn the previous court case of Plessy v. Ferguson of "Separate but Equal" in 1896. This then declared that "Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal".This was huge for African Americans and helped put a big step forward in civil rights. The unanimous decisions ended racial segregation and conformed to the 14th amendment which is equal protection for everyone. Before this court case the NAACP was working hard in many different cases to help fix school and public segregation of African Americans. This article relates to what we are learning in class because this week we started to talk about civil rights and court cases for blacks, minorities, or women and this court case falls into civil rights for African Americans. on this specific article my position is that everyone should be equal for everything and I agree with the supreme court with having a unanimous vote for the case and to over turn the other case of Plessy v. Ferguson.

McCallum Hutchins

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The article I red was about President elect Trump banning lobbyist and putting an end to it. Trump an this team are working hard to put a ban and keep incoming lobbyist into the government and administration. To do this they need to keep former lobbyist and federal workers from taking lobbying jobs when they leave the government. The new rules that Trump stated were that people will have to submit a lobbying form and those who work or worked in the administration will have to take a 5-year ban once they leave before they come back. President trump stated that it is crucial that people aren't using the government to just enrich themselves and for them to be using it and working the right way. This article ties into what we are talking about in class because this resent chapter we talked, red, and watched  about lobbyist and how horrible it is to take away from your country and how un patriotic it is. On this topic I agree with Mr. Trumps policies and I hope he continues to enforce them because I love the opportunities my country gives me and no one should take advantage and cheat their own great country.

McCallum Hutchins

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

       The article that I red this week was discussing and comparing liberal and conservative beliefs and views. The main beliefs of the liberal party is to have everyone equal and equality for all, they also believe that this will be achieved by a huge help from the government. In the eyes of the liberal party they think the government should be there to solve and take care of everyone's problems and to guarantee that no one is in need. The conservative party is totally different. In the eyes of conservatives they see that you should work hard and achieve your own goals. They see that the government should have a limited role and be there only to provide civilians with the freedom to pursue their needs. Another big belief for conservatives is to continue the traditional American values and to have a strong national defense. Conservatives have been known to be more independent and to do things on their own, and solve their own problems and reach their own goals. This topic relates to what we have been recently working on in class, currently we are talking about political parties and are creating our owns in groups. We have also been talking the two party system in the United states and third party systems. On this particular subject I agree with the conservative points and views more than the liberals. I myself enjoy accomplishing my goals without help and like doing things on my own without being dependent on others.

McCallum Hutchins